To tell you about myself, I could tell you that I was a professional triathlete, selected in the French team with several participations in world championships, and that the practice of sport at a high level taught me rigour, gave me a taste for effort while pointing out the importance of knowing how to identify and develop one's talents.
I could tell you that after my physics and chemistry university, I wanted to validate each of my skills, especially with an MBA, and that training will always be at the centre of my interests. There is so much to learn and so much to pass on
I could dwell on my professional career where for 20 years I worked as an executive in international sales, marketing, business development and management in large groups and SMEs in the sports industry. Management has been a revelation for me, the company and its social environment being a formidable challenge for interpersonal relations, but also for personal development.
I could add that in the course of my activities, I have developed a passion for Japanese culture, Zen Buddhism and spirituality, that I have practiced Chinese medicine and Japanese acupuncture and that yoga and martial arts still have a predominant place in my life.
But I prefer to tell you that in the beginning there is a book,Paulo Coelho's Alchemist and the understanding, on reading this novel, that we can create our own life path, our own personal legend and find within ourselves what truly makes sense.
That from then on, I would never stop wanting to know myself, to understand myself, and to accept myself. And that in doing so, I learned to observe, learned to receive, learned to accept and learned to transmit... and understood that this is my path.
« Happiness is to realize one's true nature. Every living organism perseveres, makes an effort to grow, to increase itself and to realize its deepest nature ».
My journey, both singular and extremely varied, punctuated by my thirst to learn and enriched by beautiful encounters, is today oriented towards a single goal, the connection of individuals to their unique talents, both innate and acquired, to the alignment with their deepest Nature and to their development in their full potential.
Building oneself inevitably involves self-knowledge : understanding who we are and how we function. In English, it's about self-awareness, self-awareness, a formulation behind which we can guess that it's about apprehending, understanding, and accepting, without judging. To go with in order to have access to the best of oneself, and not against. The difficulty lies in the weight of the environment (professional environment, family, friends...), the impact of education, the anchoring of our past experiences and social desirability... which nourish our « acquired personality » and can divert us from our deep and authentic Self, and from our life path.
Building ourselves also involves understanding that the health of the body is an essential element in our development, whatever it may be. Therefore, learning how to preserve one's health, to maintain one's immunity, to increase one's physical mobility, and to establish oneself in a favourable «state» (emotional, psychological, nervous...) is an important part of my support.

« The young man didn't know what « Personal Legend » meant.
It's what you've always wanted to do. Each one of us in our prime, knows what our Personal Legend is. At this time of life, everything is clear, everything is possible, and we are not afraid to dream and wish for everything we would like to do in our lives »